People often ask me, "Pat, you love making lists, and you love celebrities. Who are your top 10 celebrity crushes at this exact moment in time?" To them, I answer:
Pat's Top 10 Celebrity Crushes at the Moment
Lauren Graham - Lorelai Gilmore (same initials!), you are pretty much the only thing about Gilmore Girls that's thing keeping me watching. You are also my sole reason for practicing slapping my knuckles together. Don't worry. Some day I'll finally learn how to, and the banging between my knuckles will symbolize how banging you truly are.

Margo Harshman - It's all about her eyes in the episode of Even Stevens where she tells Louis that she loves him. So blue! Not only is she hot, but she's got a "celebrity" blog that puts Wesley Crusher's to shame! It even has audio blogs! Also, at her website I just learned that I have indeed missed her 18th birthday. In fact I also missed her 19th birthday. Sad. At least I can feel less guilty about this obsession now.

Emilie de Ravin - Ever since she gave birth and was back to normal in about six days, Claire has gotten hotter and hotter each week. Seriously, every episode! Her eyes are bluer than the dude from The All-American Rejects, and her Aussie accent is fantastic. And she was pretty great in the one episode of Roswell I've seen (thanks, Jess!). Keep it up, Emilie, and you'll be Queen of the Hierarchy.

Kelly Clarkson - "Here's the thing, it started out good." Then it got GREAT! After witnessing what a Kelly Clarkson concert is like on the Music On Demand channels, I have decided that I have to go. The eyes on the screen above the stage? The wedding dress? The fist pumps? The Sigur Ros-like exposition? The horse trot? Next time she tours, I'll be in the front row with Brammer, pumping my fist. I've always enjoyed the Mighty KC, but my love for her has exploded with the release of "Behind These Hazel Eyes." Go listen to the dualing vocals in the second pre-chorus. I literally listened to this song about ten times straight on the walk to class one day last semester. True story.

Daisy - Notice how all hot cartoon characters share the same name? This Daisy, while not a duck, is the only Super Mario Strikers character that could have possibly torn me away from my love affair with Waluigi. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you check out her Shimmy-Shake immediately. Also, in her victory celebration, she licks her finger, touches her painted-on shorts, and decides it's too hot to touch. It sure is, Daisy.

Elizabeth Banks - The newest member of the Crush Squad, Ms. Banks has recently impressed me with her acting in The Baxter and Heights. I also just recently learned that she was the crazy girl in The 40 Year Old Virgin. I do remember thinking that she was hot, but I didn't make the connection until doing my "research" for this post. Not much to report, otherwise. We don't have much of a history. Yet.

Jenna Fischer - Every time I watch The Office I have an intense desire for my upcoming office life to be like this show. Ninety-eight percent of the reason for this is because of Pam. Much like Claire (#7), Pam seems to get hotter episode. It's amazing! Also, I saw Jenna Fischer on Carson Daily awhile back, and she's even hotter than Pam is!

Evangeline Lilly - Oh, Freckles, you make Lost so much more enjoyable each week with your fantastic smile and your assortment of tank tops that span all the colors in a Crayola 24-pack. It's no wonder your name contains both the name of a beautiful flower and the word "angel." (No, not because it's made up.)

Naomi Watts - My first interest in Naomi Watts happened immediately when I first saw her in Mulholland Drive. However, I didn't truly fall in "love" with her until I saw her in the Verbinski Masterpiece known as The Ring. Naomi Watts? More like Naomi Hots, as in I have them for her.

Sara Quin - Up until I started doing "research" for this list (Google Images), Sar-Sar was going to be number two behind Naomi Watts. However, after looking at pictures for about ten minutes, not only do I think I had a heart attack, but I've also fallen back in love with Sara. Sara embodies everything I could possibly want: hotness, humor, charm, sincerity, talent, and Canadian-ness.
So there you have it. A list of Pat's crushes that contains NO MEN. I know, I'm shocked too. I was hoping this one would maximize the number of items out so I could include everyone else I obsess over (mostly dudes), but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Hold tight, Dr. Jack Shepard, Mark Ruffalo, and Richard Jenkins.
Oh my god, as soon as I saw the picture of Daisy I collapsed on my desk laughing. How did you get a shot of her doing the shimy-shake??
Also, watch Undeclared sometime - a younger Pam is in that for a few episodes.
So "Texas Fatty" made the list. Whatev. You know who I'm taking about. Back in the day, I think some of these crushes just might have qualified someone for inclusion on the "Fagmo" list. Oh well, at least Jodie Foster is nowhere to be seen. Yuck.
Holy cow, eh. Number one over Naomi Watts?? Maybe I'm wrong about men. Maybe I'll give you a shot. Marry me, Pat.
Holy cow, that was was like, 11 boners at once...especially Daisy. She'd go well with your "super striking" ability, eh, Patrick?
I was just searching the gilmore girls... for work, i swear... and I don't understand this obsession with Lorelai Gilmore, it appears to be everywhere. Weird :)
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