I can't believe "Goose Fraba" was taken.
Welcome to the blogspot home of P Arty. I have created this spot as somewhere I can post stuff that I don't feel belongs at Life After 208.
I have gone with the title "Blogging With a Ghost," coined by Jes because, let's face it, it's far too good to waste. Oh, and my obsession with Tegan & Sara has now completely surpassed any previous obsession I have ever had, including Six Feet Under, The Prayer Boat, Explosions in the Sky, and even Our Lady Peace and The Gufs. Those Quin sisters are magical.
And since some jerk already took Goose Fraba, I will be located at yabahaba.blogspot.com for the time being. Hopefully I will think of something more creative, and I will change this.
In the words of HDR, "here's where I complain." I plan on posting more day-to-day things here. This will be somewhere where I can take off my slightly-funny hat and put on the black winter cap I wear every day during the cold months. That's all you get: a plain, black hat. I do hope you all (whoever you all may be) enjoy it.