Best TV of 2005
The 8 Best TV Moments Seen in 2005 (Excluding Six Feet Under)
More proof that Pat is, in fact, just like Harry's average American.
8. Arrested Development - The Mole vs. Jetpants in Tiny Town
Arrested Development is far better at combining its multiple story lines into a phenomenal climax than any other show, even Nip/Tuck. George Sr.'s "Jetpants", Tobias' mole costume, and GOB's Tiny Town all crash together in one of the funniest TV moments I've ever seen.
7. Lost - The Pilot Episode
There have been only two pilots that have floored me: those of Six Feet Under, and now TV's Lost. As soon as Dr. Jack Shepard awakes to the catastrophic events around him this episode is gripping. Throughout the episode the events of the entire season are foreshadowed: Charlie walks around aloofly, John Locke looks as if he doesn't believe what has happened to him, and Kate enters rubbing her wrists, etc. And then we fall in love with Dr. Jack Shepard as he saves six people. Well done, Lost.
6. Arrested Development - "...It's my illusion!"
After what appears to be the most awkward Arrested Development ending ever, the "Next Time on Arrested Development" pulls a u-turn and delivers the show's finest conclusion. Another flawless merging of multiple jokes from the episode.

Several great moments between Pam and Jim and a glimpse into the real character of Michael Scott. Everything I love about the Office rolled into one great episode. (By the way, all the episodes since The Booze Cruise have been phenomenal.)

I was searching for the last episodes on a torrent site, and I found a file called "Chicken Dance Take 4." It is perhaps the greatest thing I have ever downloaded.
3. Nip/Tuck - Talking Heads and Suicide
The Poor Man's Six Feet Under never resembles the original more than it does in this episode, although it lacks the subtlty of SFU: "You're not real; this is my subconscious talking." Thanks. Regardless, this episode is unreal. After the talking head we're treated to an emotional suicide and a funeral of SFU caliber. The ambient, three-toned Nip/Tuck theme playing all the way from the eulogy to the scattering of the ashes in the sea.

The only true ray of light in an otherwise boring and uninvolving season of Gilmore Girls. Jess has always been one of my favorite characters, and when they brought him back I knew good things were in store for Rory. Also, the subsequent shouting match between Metzger and me was priceless.

The peak of my obsession with TV's Lost occured when Sawyer and Michael arrived back at the island and saw Jin run out, hands bound. He tells them in his broken English that he has seen the others. We see them march out with creepy, primitive weapons in hand and zombie-like looks on their faces. Just then, the episode ended and Metzger, Megan, Marcus, and myself literally went crazy.
Pardon me Patrick, but I believe the episode of Nip/Tuck you were referring to had Elton John playing during the suicide (i.e. the chick with cancer drinks milk, takes some pills, and puts the bag over her head to the tune of "Rocket Man"). Now it may be different on the DVD, but I'm sure the broadcast version had Sir John playing. The episode was good wasn't it? The score during the wake on the beach - genius.
Drax out.
What happened to the moment of the elevator closing on Jim and Pam? Was it forgotten?
Or maybe... Lost?
the drax! you always amaze me with your mysterious online presence! POST AGAIN damn you!!!
pat, excellent list. minus the lost entries. seriously, dinosaurs on the island? lame.
Drax, I'm impressed with how fast you commented. Elton John did indeed play during the suicide, but it was the "Nip/Tuck song" that played at the funeral. I agree about the score on the beach though...unbelievable.
Harry, that episode aired in 2006. It was my favorite Office moment, though. Look for it next year.
Chris, haven't you seen? They're actually bees or something! By the way, the show's getting good again!
Yeah, Lost rules, I wasn't quite sure about the new characters (seemed a little too much of a "24" ploy for attention) but I love the Mr. Eko plotlines and how little tiny occurrences from teh first season pop up all the time. GENIUS!
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