Monday, May 14, 2007

I don't feel comfortable with you rounding me to the nearest tenth.

Olde English is a comedy group based in New York City. Their website doesn't really give a ton of information, except listing the five members and stating that they've made various performances across the country in their four years of existence. The rate at which these guys make videos (or maybe just put old ones up on their website) is astounding. Every time I go on there I'm overwhelmed by how many new videos there are. I'm sure there are some other gems on there, but I will now present three of my four favorite videos.

"Why not all four" the astute reader asks. Well, if you will recall, Dave Ryan tried to steal my thunder on this post. (I guess that's what I get for sharing something with him.) Anyway, I love this video because I think it fairly accurately summarizes the way most Lost fans (at least those that I know) are feeling right about now. Countless questions, very few answers, and plots that are getting increasingly far out (see also: Pergatory, Four-Toed Foot Statue, Jacob!?!?). Anyway, I think they did a really good job capturing the pure lunacy that Lost has turned into.

Now on with the videos!

Video 1: Ben Takes a Photo of Himself Everyday

Don't worry Dave. You're not the only one who stole my thunder. Pfeiffer did it awhile back too when he posted about Noah K's series of daily self-photographs. Although, I guess he never did post a link to the video on YouTube.

Olde English created a parody of this video in which Ben Popik supposedly takes a picture of himself everyday. He goes through several Joe-for-a-week-type phases, including dabbling in gangster rap, a successful romp on the stock exchange, juggling two girlfriends, etc.

I love this video. The level of detail in this video is astounding. I've watched in at least a dozen times, and I notice something different every time: the posters changing on the wall, the props that appear for just one shot (including my favorite, the badminton photo), people popping in for one frame, they toys on the desk moving slightly. I also don't think he wears the same shirt twice. Very good stuff. It's rare that YouTube provides a good parody, in my experience, but these guys nailed this one.

Video 2:

Here's an incredibly dorky video on an incredibly dork's incredibly dorky blog. What'd you expect from an actuary?

Love those math jokes! Almost as much as I love you...clidean plane geometry. Wow, that works much better when it's not in writing.

Video 3: Adam's Orange Stand

Wow. A backwards video. How clever. Where's the payout?


Honorable mention, in case you can't get enough:

The First Date - Contains some rather funny moments, as well as a good soundtrack.

So there ya have it, Tubers. Another Chapter in Pat's book of YouTube comes to an end.


At 5/15/2007 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That math clip may be the funniest thing I've ever seen. And it made me remember how much I use to love imaginary numbers.

At 5/16/2007 2:06 PM, Blogger P. Arty said...

I knew you would come through for me, Pfeiffer. I love you.

At 5/16/2007 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, I'm glad our man-love is blog-comment-worthy for disclosure.

At 5/16/2007 11:28 PM, Blogger P. Arty said...

I think it's more than man-love.

At 5/18/2007 7:32 PM, Blogger chris said...

i totally e-mailed that math one to my school's math teacher!

At 5/26/2007 12:42 PM, Blogger Lestranger said...

We need another post NOW!

At 6/06/2007 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello. hello.

olde english was totally in our bocce ball league!


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